Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No More Christmas

Away Team,

Today feels like a Friday. Just because we both say so. :p So glad to hear from you on twitter. Anyway, 18 hours to go before I fly back to HK and see Eric.  :))

Wish you were here,

Home Team

Monday, September 3, 2012

Just Like Me

Away Team,

Dropping by just to let you know that I may or may not be writing a fic in the near future. It is somewhat Yeohaengi-related but is grounded in reality. Not spilling anything else because even I don't have a clear idea as to where this thing is going. I am so dependent on what will happen on specific dates. But if I do write, rest assured that you will be the first one to read it. :)

Also, D-9 before I see Hong Kong again. :D #psyched

Missya Mecha Lot~<3

Home Team